Friday, December 16, 2011

Carl Froch Won't Even See It Coming

As you might be able to tell from the title of this entry, I am indeed calling the winner in this match up. Carl Froch has no chance this Saturday, December 17 in Atlantic City versus the thoroughly skilled Andre Ward. Froch brings nothing more than his mouth to this match up. Grant it, he's tough and very durable, but, we know that because he is also very hittable. Andre Ward is the best 168 Pounder in the world and in my book second only to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. as the best Pound for Pound fighter on earth.

If this tournament has done anything it has silenced the Ward detractors. Andre Ward has proven to be a solid fighter, with an array of tools. He simply knows how to win. He understands and respects the sport for what it is, but, most importantly he knows himself. Every single opponent he's faced in this tournament has had a come to Jesus moment upon facing him. They found out how exceptionally crafty he is, as did the heavily favored Mikhail Kessler. They found out how strong and powerful he is, as did the once menacing Allan Greene. They come to respect how poised and tough he is, as did the wild swinging Sakio Bika; and they found out how intelligent he is, as did the dangerous Arthur Abraham.

"But let patience have her perfect work, that you maybe perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.*"This has been the Andre Ward way all along. When the critics wanted to rush him; when the detractors thought he was too soft or that his handlers were being too careful, they failed to see he was being perfected. Now the eyes of the masses are open. In perhaps the most hotly contested (and underrated) event in the sport Andre Ward emerges, not only as the leader of the pack, but, the most sound and complete of all its combatants. Not a single contest has even been remotely close. Look for Saturday versus Carl Froch to yield the exact same results. A good, tough, yet, severely limited Carl Froch versus the total package in Andre Ward.

*St. James 1:4

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