Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Day At The Romanza

Recently I journeyed to the legendary Romanza Gym in Mexico City. A modest facility, equipped with the bare basics for building some of Mexico's finest pugilists. Heavy bags, speed bags, and a ring, with coaches like the passionate, yet gentile Oscar Ortiz aka Tin Tan shouting instructions, conducting mitt work, keeping time for a sparring session and even finding a moment to offer guests his philosophy regarding the Sweet Science. An obvious dynamo of multi tasking, Ortiz believes deeply in the life lessons of boxing. "We're not bums...this sport is not about two guys trying to kill each other." The truth of that is felt and seen immediately upon entering this quaint pugilistic haven. The decorum of the great Romanza Gym is its spirit. Knowing that you are in the very place where champions like Ricardo Lopez and Juan Manuel Marquez, among others, were molded under the masterful tutelage of Ignacio "Nacho" Beristain gives one a holy reverence for the ground for which you stand. For it is in the most humble and modest of places where greatness is conceived, born, honed and at the proper time, exalted.

The great error of the present age, bemoaned by many, is the seemingly approved dismissal or shunning of the process of excellence. No one has to be tested or proven. Anyone, as is supposedly evidenced by the milieu of reality television shows, is entitled to the spoils of success once reserved for those who paid the steep bounty via their blood, sweat, and tears. Sacrifice is an oddity, even an offense. There as I stood on the hallow ground of the Romanza Gym, it was clear, enveloped in a merciless cauldron of thrust, grunts, and corse, yet, sage exhortations demanding perfection from every single participant, be they novice or champion, that the shallow ideal of the age had yet to reach the legendary gym and its occupants.

My compadres and I were hoping to get a glimpse of the great Juan Manuel Marquez, training for his upcoming clash with the formidable Timothy Bradley. The Romanza Gym is where the Mexican great was reared and where he continues to train, despite his Hall of Fame credentials, yet, another testament to the significance of this pugilistic sanctuary. Unfortunately, seeing the great Marquez never materialized. However, I'd like to think this may have very well been a good thing. A star of such massive appeal, in that setting, would have likely caused one to miss out on the budding stars and otherwise captivating nuggets that orbit such a place. "Star" struck, I would have likely missed an encounter with an up and coming talent from the States who has made Romanza his new home, as he prepares to re emerge with a vengeance upon the ranks, despite, according to him, having once made The Mayweather Boxing Club his mainstay. We would have missed the Femme Fatales sweating it out with as much grit and grace as the hombres. Most regrettable would have been us missing out on a young charge who not only packs a wallop, but one of the most beautiful voices I've ever encountered. It was a sudden beckoning which stopped everyone cold - fighters, coaches and guest a like. It was the voice of Cainn Cruz. I suggest you look him up via YouTube. He's going to be a star. There it was two of my favorite past times, music and the Sweet Science, embodied in this one beautiful child. A bold endeavor indeed. For any serious musician or pugilist will concede that their respective crafts are very jealous.

I wish the young Mr. Cruz much success in his pursuits, but more importantly, I thank him and his fellow fighters at the Romanza Gym for reminding me the that despite the climate of the present culture, the proper pursuit of excellence is always en vogue.

© 2013