Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Saul Alvarez: Great White Hype?

Here we go again. The boxing world is all a buzz, as HBO tries desperately to "push" another fighter into superstardom. Can you blame 'em? With the rise of Mix Martial Arts and the absence of a charismatic heavyweight, boxing, though far from dead does need a resurrection of sorts; and who better to be our great Messiah than Mexico's Great White Hope, Saul "Canelo"Alvarez. In a sport saturated with the usual suspects, i.e. Black and Brown fighters, a White boy with serious talent peaks our interest. Please don't do the, but we're supposed to be in a post racial society nod. We're not! Let's get real Saul Alvarez generates the interest and hype from the networks he does, based solely on this curiosity which has led to some serious bank for both the box office and the telecast of his fights. By those standards, and we know money is king, the handsome red head is a big star.

Now on with the substance. Alvarez is talented. In fact, he possess a maturity that belies his 21 years. We are told that he is entertaining, but, from what I've seen thus far, he hasn't set the world on fire. He has power, but, as Teddy Atlas also observed he seems to lack that killer instinct we've grown accustomed to seeing from Mexican fighters. Much like Julio Cesar, Jr., (who I hear Saul has challenged) who also comes to us via a grand deal of hype, we have yet to see this greatness, that HBO commentators have so shamelessly proselytized to the boxing masses, actually emerge. Ryan Rhodes and Matthew Hatton, though full of heart, are not of the stock that conjures greatness. Rhodes is in the twilight of his career at 34, and Hatton was a blown up Welterweight. Surely, there are some serious competitors between 160 and 154 that can test this burgeoning superstar? Mind you I don't doubt Alvarez' potential. I just haven't seen the reason for all the hype, save for the fact that he's a White Mexican. There's a novelty to it all. He's very talented, very poised, but, against who? As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out, until the Alvarez camp decides to step it up.

Copyright 2011

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