Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mayweather vs. Alvarez: Watch The Throne

Like a Christmas gift three months too soon fight fans have been granted an event we can all be excited about. This September 14 when Floyd Mayweather encounters Saul Alvarez this will be far more than a fight, rather a happening.The narratives for this impending showdown speak for themselves: Age versus youth. The new face of Mexican pugilism versus the very embodiment of American swagger. Will the mantle of Ring King remain in the clutches of Floyd Mayweather, who is without question the most celebrated boxer of the day? Or will the youthful, yet poised Saul Alvarez, gifted with hands of stone and matinee idol looks, needless to say an entire nation at his back snatch the keys to the throne? This is the story.

On paper Mayweather, at 36 is taking a fantastic risk. In my earlier post I have been critical regarding the hype around Saul Alvarez, noting that the early sensation around him was more about his complexion as oppose to his skill level. That being said and true, Alvarez has since proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with. I concede, he is not merely a hype job. The White Boy from South of the border can seriously thump. He exudes and displays the maturity of a seasoned and well schooled fighter, not given to passions for the sake of accommodating our blood lust. He wins, by any means and against good and solid competition. Sometimes pretty, sometimes ugly, either way he takes it as it comes which is a sign of a serious student of the Sweet Science. For Floyd Mayweather, Alvarez is a real threat...on paper. The bigger, supposedly stronger, young Alvarez in spite of his great talent and grit is your classic orthodox fighter, i.e. stylistically he is made to order for Mayweather. 

Hold your horses! In no way am I dismissing Alvarez. His size, his power, and his poise beyond his soon to be twenty three years should make for a very interesting evening for the older Mayweather. However, even boxing despite its much heralded unpredictability is subject to some very basic and time tested realities, the most revered among them being, styles make fights. This ought not be taken as preemptive ammunition for the MayHaters for whom nothing Mayweather does or attempts to do, save lose, will ever satisfy their ire. A Mayweather victory will have nothing to do with youthful inexperience or Alvarez being drained after having agreed to a catch weight of 152lbs. None of this will be a factor in any way shape or form. Saul is worth any worries that might arise in the Mayweather camp and among his supporters. Yet, as I see it, the night will belong to Mayweather. Floyd is just that guy, that special breed of fighter who is not merely a pugilist, but a complete scientist. He knows himself and within 1 to 2 rounds I suspect he will know Saul "Canelo" Alvarez as well; and the young charge like forty four before him will experience the daunting shock of squaring off with a full fledged legend. 

With that understanding make no mistake this fight is still a terrific risk for Mayweather who is more accustomed to gracing us with his presence on an annual basis, as oppose to this terribly ambition endeavor of six fights in thirty months (five remaining on his contract). As I see it, the gain for Mayweather in this match up, assuming he is victorious, is that he will have defeated a great fighter in the throes of his prime. A victory over this young titan silences the critics and MayHaters who claim he hand picks his fighters. Then again, these are the same people who concoct any and every excuse possible following a Mayweather win. A victory over Alvarez will have to be acknowledged as one of, if not his most significant victory. Obviously a win for Canelo will become a coronation ushering in a new and dynamic era in boxing accompanied by a popularity that will easily match that of Oscar De La Hoya and Sugar Ray Leonard. And make no mistake an Alvarez victory is highly conceivable. Just imagine if the young superstar is able to connect to Mayweather's chin or body as did Shane Mosley. It is more than likely Alvarez will have the stuff to finish Mayweather off.

This is a crossroads encounter not merely for the combatants, but, boxing at large. Will the reigning King of the Squared circle, Floyd Mayweather retain his rule or will the new fresh faced warrior, Saul Alvarez topple him and institute his own reign? The narrative is one of epic proportions and should have us all on the edge of our seats. Watch the throne.

© 2013

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